When you think of studio lighting, you probably think of elaborate multi-light setups, and while those certainly have their place, there’s no reason you can’t create compelling imagery with a single light. This great video will show you how to achieve exactly that. When you’re first starting out, I think it’s advisable…
When you think of studio lighting, you probably think of elaborate multi-light setups, and while those certainly have their place, there’s no reason you can’t create compelling imagery with a single light. This great video will show you how to achieve exactly that. When you’re first starting out, I think it’s advisable…
When you think of studio lighting, you probably think of elaborate multi-light setups, and while those certainly have their place, there’s no reason you can’t create compelling imagery with a single light. This great video will show you how to achieve exactly that. When you’re first starting out, I think it’s advisable…
When you think of studio lighting, you probably think of elaborate multi-light setups, and while those certainly have their place, there’s no reason you can’t create compelling imagery with a single light. This great video will show you how to achieve exactly that. When you’re first starting out, I think it’s advisable…
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